Know More About Dog Bite Liability And Leash Laws In California

They say that a dog is ‘man’s best friend.’ They also say that dogs never bite. Well, if only that were always true. Approximately 1,000,000 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year. If you happen to be one of these unfortunate souls, what are you to do? Well, you can read this article for valuable information. Then hire a lawyer to help you draft a case that will win in court.

Leash laws in California

Your personal injury Lawyers in Santa Clara will tell you that you are in luck if you live in California. This is large because of the city’s strict and extensive leash laws. California requires all dog owners to keep their dogs confined to a leash at all times when outdoors to keep them from hurting other humans! Dogs that are kept on private premises must either be kept indoors or behind very high fences in back yards. These fences must be too high for the dogs to jump over.

Leash laws for dogs out in public

Personal injury lawyers know that leash laws in California for dogs are very strict. For example, an owner who takes his or her dogs outside must keep the canines on a leash that is no greater than 20 feet in length. The owner must be able to control his or her dog’s actions at all times in public places. San Jose’s municipal code requires dog owners to observe the same leash length restriction even when on other peoples’ private property. Owners pay all financial damages resulting from their dogs injuring other humans. Owners must make sure that they can control their canines at all times.

Strict Liability

Dog owners must pay for all bodily injuries and property damages that their pets’ bites cause. This is true for public and private places. This strict liability means that the plaintiff does not have to prove the dog owner’s guilt to sue for a settlement.

Negligence per se

Since the owner is presumed guilty if a dog claws at the defendant and causes bodily injury to him or her, the defendant can sue the owner under a negligence cause of action. Since leash laws are part of California’s statutes, violating them makes the dog owner guilty of negligence per se.You do indeed have legal recourse if your neighbor’s dog bites you. All you need to do is have a good understanding of California’s leash laws. You should also hire a good personal injury lawyer to help you win your case in court.

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